Friday, May 31, 2019

The Differences in Josephine and Mrs. Mallard of Kate Chopins The Stor

The Differences in Josephine and Mrs. Mallard of Kate Chopins The drool of an Hour Free Body and soul free, Mrs. Mallard kept whispering. champion persons ultimate freedom may be seen as a tragedy to another. Kate Chopin illustrates this idea in The Story of an Hour. The story is set in the nineteenth century. Chopin uses the dying of Mr. Mallard to show the reader Mrs. Mallards deep feelings. In the story, Josephine and Mrs. Mallard are sisters. Although the women come from the same background, live in the same city, and outwardly appear to be satisfied with their lives, their attitudes are very different. Chopin uses these two women as foil characters in the story. The differences in the women are seen in their reactions to Mr. Mallards death. Although both women are expected to maintain a certain role in society, Mrs Mallard, unlike Josephine, is not satisfied with her life due to the societal restrictions. At the end of the story, Josephine and Mrs. Mallard respond very diff erently to Mr. Mallards coming home.Josephine and Mrs. Mallard feel very differently about the societal restrictions placed on them. Josephine is portrayed as the perfect nineteenth-century woman. She fulfills her profession as care-giver. This duty is seen when Josephine is kneeling before Mrs. Mallards locked door pleading for admission Louise, open the door I beg open the door-you will make yourself ill, Josephine implores. Josephine is concerned about the public assistance of her sister. She is present when Mrs. Mallard hears the news of her husbands death and provides comfort and compassion. On the other hand, Mrs. Mallard feels trapped and burdened by the restriction placed on her by society. Mrs. Mallard longs to be an individual who d... ...els. When Mrs. Mallard sees her husband, the chains of bondage are thrown back onto her. The reviving and refreshing experience she has just had in her elbow room is put out, and she dies. The doctors say that Mrs. Mallard dies of joy that kills. Actually, her soul cannot handle the oppression after it has felt such freedom. Josephines and Mrs. Mallards differences are reflected in their reactions to Mr. Mallards coming home.In Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour, Josephine and Mrs. Mallard are foil characters. The behaviors and values of one contrast with the other. Josephine is presented as a content woman in the nineteenth century. Mrs. Mallard is struggling for freedom. The differences in these women are seen in their reactions to Mr. Mallards death and return. Chopin uses this story to point out the importance of being an individual and developing oneself.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Lord of the Flies :: Free Essay Writer

The Lord of the travelWilliam Golding uses much symbolism in his novel, The Lord of the Flies, to help readers procure a greater understanding of his message. He uses symbolism in three important areas objects that have symbolic value as references to ideas, characters that symbolize important diachronic and religious sight, and the setting which frames the conflicts on the island in comparison to the whole world. Objects are the first part of the history that are symbolic.Many objects in The Lord of the Flies have important symbolic value. The conch shell represents power and authority, and Ralph uses it to call for the boys to come to meetings. Whoever has the shell has the power to talk. The conch shows how people use objects to give power, like a crown, sceptre, or other thins that show who has power. We also learn that objects dont really give power when people choose not to obey it, like Ralphs conch. The pigs head, or Lord of the Flies, is an important object. To Jack it is a sacrifice for the beast. This object shows that people will make religions andrituals to control their world, even when what they mean is not true. The Lord of the Flies is also a symbol of Satan, or the Devil. When Simon talked with the Lord of the Flies, he learned what the real evil was, which is the evil in peoples hearts. The Lord of the Flies is a symbol of the things we make up to be the cause for evil, when those things arent the real reason. The fire is a symbol of look forwarfared to and rescue. When the fire was burning bright, it was because the boys were working hard to get rescued. When the fire burnt out, it was because many boys, like Jack, didnt care anymore about beingrescued. In the end, the fire that got them rescued was not meant for rescue. It was there because Jack was burning down the island to kill Ralph. This shows us that we get things from luck instead of hard work. The objects in the story are used by characters that also have symbolism.The many different characters on the island are symbols of important people. They show how the real world is made up of people. Ralph is a good leader who cannot control bad people like Jack. Ralph is like Franklin Roosevelt before World War II who could not stop the war from breaking out.